ITC Services
K-12 Solutions
Governmental Entities
Professional Learning Group
This service is included with district membership.
Non-members can contract for this service.
For scheduling information, please contact Heidi Orvosh or Tod Hug
How do you know that your district is getting the right returns on your education technology investments? The CITIA (Curriculum Instruction Technology Integration Assessment) is a tool that measures technology integration effectiveness and efficiency within a district. Results from the assessment help answer these questions and more:
Is our technology integration aligned appropriately with our instructional goals?
Is technology being used to its fullest potential?
Is staff adequately trained to use technology to its fullest potential?
Are we using the right digital tools to meet the learning needs of our students?
Are there technology needs that can be met to help close the gap and stretch learning growth?
Our district benefited greatly from the CITIA assessment conducted with the Northern Buckeye Education Council. This comprehensive audit of our internal and external technology operations helped us identify opportunities to enhance efficiency and maximize the effectiveness of our staff. Our ultimate goal was to ensure the district was responsibly providing our students with necessary 21st-Century Skills and support required for their future success.
Dr. Jayson Selgo
Archbold Superintendent
Are you ready to talk about having an assessment done at your district?