NOVA Support

We offer Tier I support with our internal support team, with a direct link to SchoolsPLP. Our support team is local and has over 10 years of experience in the classroom and on the tech side of the house working with the NOVA offered programming. If you have questions or issues, we will be willing to help via a Help Desk ticket, site visit, virtual visit, email or phone call based on your needs.

We can work with you to provide creative solutions for curriculum, certified teachers for foreign languages (Spanish, French, ASL) and graders to help assist your staff as needed.

Support Contacts

Main Support Phone and Email

Phone: 419-267-2818


Becky Short, NOVA Support Coordinator

Phone: 419-267-2581


Brett Green, Superintendent of NOVA Initiatives

Phone: 419-267-2582


Support Info

If you are a student or a parent and need help with your online course, please contact your supporting school district.

Phone numbers are available on the Members Tab.

Support for Teachers and Administrators

If you are an online teacher or administrator please go to your schoolsPLP site and click on need help.

Access Support Google Site

If you see the message below it means you need to be added to the support group.

Please use this link to send an email to the NOVA support team and we will add you to the group.