Online Courses

Currently Available Courses
Adapting Think Ladders for All Subjects
AI Virtual Think Tank
AI-Powered Education
Assessment with Edcite
Assessment with Edulastic
Assessment with Socrative
Blended Learning
Cyber Safety for Teachers
Digital Activity Creation with Seesaw
Effective Instructional Practices for English Language Learners
Google Certified Educator Community
Google Certified Educator Level 1
Google Certified Educator Level 2
Google Workplace for Support Staff
Interactive Instruction with Edpuzzle
Interactive Instruction with Nearpod
Interactive Instruction with Pear Deck
Introduction to the Science of Reading
Live Learning with Gimkit
Preparing for Differentiated Instruction
Remote Instruction with Google Meet
Remote Instruction with Zoom
Suicide Awareness & Violence Prevention for School Staff
Tech Integration Leaders of Ohio Community
Understanding Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Unleash Creativity with Google Drawings
Umpacking Ohio's Social Emotional Standards